coole whatsapp status
The only people who never fail are those who never try.
Always spend your valuable time with your self...
Today its me, tomorrow will be u
friends are the jewels of life!
Don't cry because it's over, smi…Read More
attitude status for whatsapp
My attitude changes depends on who I'm around.
Love is like a war easy to begin but hard to end.
Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is
The thing lost is always value the most.
The Habits Th…Read More
whatsapp status englisch
I cried I suffered ..but I learned
If things go wrong, don't go with them.
If i m preety does not mean that any boy can get me..
Whatsapp is using me daily
…Read More
whatsapp status funny
hello!Problems where are you looking I am here.
Hi there! I am using my brain!
Status is still loading.
Google on my mind
whatsapp status ideas
Always trying to cool my self
It's hard to being a s…Read More
whatsapp online status
I am hot dude with cool attitude
Your eyes are my status.
Time change Priority changes.
*** All around the world ***
whatsapp love status
Every road is a new way home
It's not my attitude it's my …Read More