whatsapp status ideas
Courage is knowing what not to fear.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
All you can be is in your hands
Whatever you will live at the end you will leave
My life grows, but my pain stays forever…Read More
whatsapp status ideen
Sorry no status available...
smile is nothing like always happy
The Past Doesn't Equal The Future.
People with status don't need status...
Love is blind so be carefull
Life is too short to cry on..…Read More
whatsapp status lustig
don't ever let go what is already in the hands
Busy planning for a miracle
Life in trouble......
whatsapp status quotes
So many girls, not much time
Smile and the world will smile back:)
…Read More
funny status for whatsapp
Always waiting ur news
Error:status is unavailable.
If you are happy you are never lonely....
the hell was full so i come back soon
quotes for whatsapp
We're like diamonds in the sky
"Cool boy's" …Read More
quotes for whatsapp
Try best do best.
love is like a coin look from both side.
I am the eye in the sky. Looking at you
Compare Me..He can better care of U ...
Brains are awesome, I wish everyone had one
i know you loo…Read More