Birthday sms for sister
Life has its moments
And a sister like you
Makes them unforgettable
Happy birthday dear sister …Read More
Birthday sms for sis
Once a year I get the chance
To wish you birthday cheer.
It pleases me no end to say,
I wish you another great year.
So happy birthday to you (name),
From the bottom of my heart.
And may your good times multiply,
Til…Read More
Birthday Wishes for Sister
Sister, thinking of you
with love on your birthday
and wishing you
everything that brings
you happiness
today and always!
Happy Birthday Sister
I hope your day is special
just like you! …Read More
Birthday message for sister
Your birthday is a gr8 day to
Celebrate how special you’re as a person
And how much it means to know we’re a family
Happy birthday to my very special sister …Read More