short new year sms
May your life be full of full of great happiness and may ur journey through lyf b n adventure gud luck in new year2013
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happy new year greetings message
Welcome 2013 messages will help you welcome the new year through sms amd live greetings. This year Welcome 2013 for a great start ◕‿◕
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happy new year sms messages
May GOD make ur year a happy one! Not by shielding you from all sorrows and pain, But by strengthening you to bear it, as it comes; Not by making your path easy, But by making you sturdy to travel any path; Not by taking har…Read More
new year sms greetings
new year sms greetings sms
I sent my thoughts to the wind, & asked the wind to pass them to you… When you feel the wind, Blowing against your face, It is ME saying.. WISH YOU A HAPPY AND POSPEROUS NEW YEAR.!!!
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