funny small girl joke
A small girl looks at her
brother’s girlfriend and asks innocently…
Everyday u come to meet my brother,
Don’t u have your own brother?
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sms on boy
Brilliant Boy went to girl home with a rose to propose her.
He pressed calling bell.
But her Dad opened the door
Boy: Uncle Please Support ANNA HAZARE
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pinki and pappu funny jokes
Pinki- Tmhare Papa kitne saal ke hai!!
Pappu- Jitne saal ka mai hu.
Pinki- Kaise!!
Pappu- Jis din mai paida huwa usi din to wo papa bane..
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girl and boy and ?
Girlfrnd: Es week roj shopping karenge, next week roj movie dekhenge.
Boyfrnd: Uske agle week roj mandir jayenge.
Girlfrnd: Kyu?
Boyfrnd: Bheekh maangne.
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