Easy To Loose someone by saying Life. Difficult to get back that Porson by saying True. its a fact in Everybody's Life.
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good thoughts for life
A Paper
fly in air due 2LUCK But Bird flying in air is bcoz of EFFORTs
So Dont worry if LUCK dsnt support
EFFORTs R always there 2support u..
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good thoughts
good thoughts
Funny but
In The Past,Nobody had Watch
But Everyone had Time.
Now everyone has a Watch but
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daily good thoughts
If god
answers our prayers,
increasing our faith,
If he
delays,he'sincreasing our patience,
If he
doesn't answers,he knows v can handle.
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good thoughts in english
Try is a small word dat can make a big difference.
If v try,v only risk FAILURE,
But if v don't even try,
Den we'll ensure FAILURE!
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