happy ganesh chaturthi
Hoping this ganesh chatrurthi
Will be the start of year that
Brings happiness for you.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!
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ganesh chathurthi sms
May Lord Ganapathi shower you with success in all your endeavors.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthy
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sms for ganesh chaturthi
Gajanana Shri Ganaraya aadi vandu tujha Moraya
Ganpati Bappa Morya!Mangal Murti Morya
JAY GANESH..Mangal murti morya
Jay ganesh devaGanapati bappa moray
Happy Ganesh Chaturthy!!!
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ganesh the god
ganesh god of, ganesha the god, the god ganesh, the god ganesha, lord ganesh god,
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ganesh chaturthi 2012
Wishing you happiness as big as Ganesh’s appetite
life is long as his trunk
trouble as small as his mouse
and moments as sweet as his laddus
Sending you wishes on Ganesh Chaturthi!
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