Easy To Loose someone by saying Life.Difficult to get back that Porson by saying True.its a fact in Everybody's Life.
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good thoughts english
Respect the OLD when ur YOUNG Help the WEAK when ur STRONGConfess the FAULT when ur WRONG bcozoneday in life u will beOLD,WEAK& WRONG.
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good thoughts about life sms
The four ways to reach God :Luk back and thank God.Luk forward and trust God.Luk around and serve God.Luk within and find God....
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goods thoughts
Positive Thinking May Not Guarantee Success,Bt Negative Thinking DEFiNiTELY Guarantees Failure!So always hv +ve attitude.
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good thought for today
Life is an Echo,All cums Back,D Gud,dBad,dFalse,d True:So Give d World d Best u Hv& d Best wil Come Back 2 U.
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