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A heart beat is excited mor wen eyes start looking at sum1 silently but life seems 2 b more exciting wen sum1 start reading those eyes silently..…Read More
lovely sms in english
Sum people r more dearer than others,d reason s not d happiness u feel wen u meet thm but it s d emptiness u feel wen thy r not near u.…Read More
beautiful love sms
Always be ready to prove you love someone, because LOVE is not a noun to be defined, but a verb to be acted.…Read More
love missing sms
missing the not hard part'butknowing thati once had u?is what breaks my heart,,…Read More
good night love sms
I miss you. I'm getting used to having you beside me. I wish you were here right now But I smile knowing that my heart belongs to you. Goodnight baby…Read More