sms on I-Q
I live in
if you cut my tail i am a fruit
if you cut my head I am at your door
if you cut both then i am with you all the time?
What is this thing ....
Pearl- lives in water
Pea…Read More
sms for check I-Q
I am the beginning of the end, You can see me twice in a decade but once in a year and not in day but once in june and twice in a week.
Only genius can answer this…
Answer is =letter ( E )
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140 character puzzle sms
What is black when you buy it,
Red when you are using it,
And grey when you throw it away?
Answer is : Charcoal
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puzzle type msg
If you look at me
I will look at you
If you grin at me
I will grin at you
If you dance
I will also dance
But if you shout,
Sorry, i can't.
Who am i ?
Answer is: Mirror
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puzzle message
Every thing I swallow is Digested in Full
If I Drink Water,
I will Die Soon.
Guess What is It ?
Answer is: Fire
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