sms for check I-Q
I am the beginning of the end, You can see me twice in a decade but once in a year and not in day but once in june and twice in a week.
Only genius can answer this…
Answer is =letter ( E )
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puzzle message
Every thing I swallow is Digested in Full
If I Drink Water,
I will Die Soon.
Guess What is It ?
Answer is: Fire
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sms on I-Q
I live in
if you cut my tail i am a fruit
if you cut my head I am at your door
if you cut both then i am with you all the time?
What is this thing ....
Pearl- lives in water
Pea…Read More
puzzle sms puzzle sms
What is the thing that can go over everything (anything) ?
Well, if you say the answer is sky... NO! that thing can go over sky as well!
if you say it is air .. NO! that thing can go over the air too!
actually if you say an…Read More
140 character puzzle sms
What is black when you buy it,
Red when you are using it,
And grey when you throw it away?
Answer is : Charcoal
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